
Monday, May 19, 2008

Driving Under The Influence in Alabama

Every year millions of persons in buyer structured settlement United States get convicted of Driving purchase auto insurance online the Influence (DUI). that a crime and often times these drunk drivers maim or kill persons due to them not being in the right capacity to operate their motor vehicle. that article will examine what exactly is a DUI and the different sentences associated with it under the state of Alabama. It will also look at the issue of obtaining car insurance once you have been convicted of a DUI in Alabama.

It is a crime to drive drunk and that is often times called driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), that all depends on the state and how they define it. In the state of Alabama it is known as a DUI. To be considered a drunk driver in Alabama, the driver must have a high blood alcohol concentration of .15 or higher. Drunk driving kills many persons a year and puts countless others at risk. that means if convicted of a DUI it carries far reaching consequences. These will be discussed below.

DUI is a crime and if you are arrested there are different sentences that can be handed down by a court in Alabama. These vary and that article will examine what they are. In the State of Alabama if you have a first offense of DUI then you may get some of the following penalties. For a first offense you may either receive one year in jail, a 90 day license suspension up to a $2,100 fine and mandatory DUI Macaroni & Cheese For a second offense you may receive one year in jail, mandatory 5 days in jail, a 1 year license suspension, a fine up to $5,100 and mandatory DUI. For your third DUI you may receive one year in jail, mandatory 60 days in jail, a 3 year license suspension, a fine up to $10,100 and mandatory DUI. Your fourth and higher DUI offense is considered a C class felony and you may receive punishment of one year and a day to 10 years in jail, a 5 year license suspension and a fine up to $10,100.

Aside from court costs, possible jail time and heavy fines persons convicted of a DUI in Alabama also must worry about their car insurance premiums increasing. Most persons depend on their car and antidepressants added cost to operating one affects persons tremendously. Most insurance companies check your DMV records to see if you have any accidents or been convicted of a DUI. Insurance companies in Alabama especially the city of Birmingham if they find out you have a DUI conviction will often times raise your premiums because they feel as if you are a high risk driver. that could send your Auto Insurance through the roof.

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